11 Exotic Fruits That Start with E

The fruit section of any grocery store is like stepping into a living paradise, and fruits beginning with the letter E present a kaleidoscope of lovely colours. These fruits contribute to the recognition of the unique nutritional value of our food. Fruits ranging from exotic elderberries to tropical elephant apples and E provide a treasure trove of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants needed for good health with fewer calories and more fibre wom; these fruits are delicious, help with weight management and improve digestion.

Also, having fruits like emblica and berries in your diet can boost your immune system, support heart health and help keep your skin glowing. Exploring lesser-known fruits that begin with E, we discover a world of culinary delights waiting to be sampled and appreciated.

Fruit that Starts with E

  • Elderberry
  • Emblica
  • Enterprise Apple
  • Emu Apple
  • Emu Berry
  • Entawak
  • Etrog
  • European Pear
  • Evergreen Huckleberry
  • Elephant Apple
  • Early Gold Mango

1. Elderberry

Elderberry, scientifically known as Sambucus nigra, is a small, dark purple fruit that grows on the elder tree. It is rich in antioxidants and vitamins, making it a popular ingredient in jams, syrups, and herbal supplements.

  • Scientific Name: Sambucus nigra
  • Alternate Names: Black Elder

2. Emblica

Emblica, scientifically known as Phyllanthus emblica, is a small, round fruit native to the Indian subcontinent. It is commonly referred to as Indian gooseberry and is prized for its high vitamin C content and various health benefits.

  • Scientific Name: Phyllanthus emblica
  • Alternate Names: Indian Gooseberry, Malacca Gooseberry

3. Enterprise Apple

Enterprise apple, scientifically known as Malus domestica 'Enterprise', is a medium-sized apple with a crisp texture and a sweet-tart flavor. It is often used for fresh eating as well as in cooking and baking.

  • Scientific Name: Malus domestica 'Enterprise'
  • Alternate Names: N/A
Enterprise Apple

4. Emu Apple

Emu apple, scientifically known as Owenia acidula, is a small, greenish fruit native to Australia. It has a tart flavor and is often used in jams, sauces, and desserts.

  • Scientific Name: Owenia acidula
  • Alternate Names: Bush Tomato
Emu Apple

5. Emu Berry

Emu berry, scientifically known as Elaeocarpus angustifolius, is a small, blue-black fruit native to Australia. It has a mildly sweet flavor and is often used in jams, jellies, and beverages.

  • Scientific Name: Artocarpus anisophyllus
  • Alternate Names: Blue quandong
Emu Berry

6. Entawak

Entawak, is a large, round fruit native to Southeast Asia. It is commonly used in traditional cooking and is known for its unique aroma and flavor.

  • Scientific Name: Artocarpus anisophyllus
  • Alternate Names: Durian

7. Etrog

Etrog, scientifically known as Citrus medica, is a citron fruit with a thick, bumpy rind and a fragrant aroma. It is primarily used in Jewish religious rituals during the festival of Sukkot.

  • Scientific Name: Citrus medica
  • Alternate Names: Citron

8. European Pear

European pear, scientifically known as Pyrus communis, is a juicy and sweet fruit with a characteristic pear shape. It comes in various cultivars and is enjoyed fresh, cooked, or dried.

  • Scientific Name: Pyrus communis
  • Alternate Names: Common pear
European Pear

9. Evergreen Huckleberry

Evergreen huckleberry, scientifically known as Vaccinium ovatum, is a small, dark purple fruit native to the Pacific Northwest region of North America. It has a tart flavor and is often used in jams, pies, and desserts.

  • Scientific Name: Vaccinium ovatum
  • Alternate Names: N/A
Evergreen Huckleberry

10. Elephant Apple

Elephant apple, scientifically known as Dillenia indica, is a large, round fruit with a tart flavor. It is native to South and Southeast Asia and is often used in traditional medicine and cooking.

  • Scientific Name: Dillenia indica
  • Alternate Names: Bel Fruit
Elephant Apple

11. Early Gold Mango

Early Gold mango, scientifically known as Mangifera indica 'Early Gold', is a tropical fruit with a sweet and tangy flavor. It is prized for its golden-yellow flesh and smooth texture.

  • Scientific Name: Mangifera indica 'Early Gold'
  • Alternate Names: N/A
Early Gold Mango

The next time you go to the grocery store or farmer's market, try noticing these fruits that are part of the E category. These fruits will not only make your meals more refreshing and enjoyable but also will provide you with so many health benefits. So, why don't you discover any of these fruits that start with the letter E and take pleasure in their juicy and fresh offerings on your dinner plate?