Vegan Lifestyle

Diet, DNA, and Dramatic Changes: You Are What You Eat Twin Experiment on Netflix

January 31, 2024

H ave you ever considered that food choices can determine not only your health but also the essence of your DNA?

Explore food's impact on identical twins in 'You Are What You Eat: The Twin Experiment.'

In a world where the American diet is often referred to as the SAD (Standard American Diet), this series sparks important discussion.

It challenges the notion that what we put in our mouths is secondary to everything else. The story revolves around the profound ways our food preferences can alter our biology.


The documentary sheds light on the alarming range of diet-related diseases by emphasizing the urgency with which we understand the nature of our foods.

The series lies in an interesting shape: eight weeks, four identical twins, and two different diets (vegan and omnivorous). We see physical and emotional changes as each twin begins their feeding journey. Some, like the "Cheese Twins," see dramatic changes in body composition and markers of health.

Episode 1: Twin Study and the Power of Plant-Based Diets

In the first episode, the spotlight shines on a pair of twins who embark on an 8-week examination to take a look at the effects of a vegan eating diet on their fitness. As the series continues, we witness their transformation and discover the impressive results they achieve. The twins, often referred to as " the cheese guys," exhibit a genuine love for cheese, making their plant-based journey all the more fascinating. Others, like Filipina sisters, face emotional challenges with cultural traditions around food. While spoilers could have lessened the impact, the experiment shows up with surprising results, challenging what we thought and sparking lively conversations.

Mioko Shinner, a renowned figure in the plant-based cheese industry, shares her personal experience of transitioning to a vegan lifestyle. Her adventure commenced with a formative years of reminiscence of attempting dairy cheese for the first time, which ignited her love for cheese. Now, she brings delicious plant-primarily-based alternatives to the marketplace, with many considering her vegan cheese because of the quality alternatives available in grocery shops.


Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams speaks openly about his struggles with diabetes and advocates for healthier options. These intimate stories demonstrate the real power of documentary: they inspire conversations about the complex relationship between individual identity, community influences, and food and well-being.

Episode 2: Unveiling the Harms of Animal Agriculture

In a second episode shines a light on the deep-rooted issues surrounding animal agriculture. While a few may also find this episode familiar due to prior exposure to vegan documentaries, it remains a crucial phase of the series. The episode delves into topics consisting of deforestation, environmental racism, reversing diabetes, and more. By highlighting the bad influences of animal agriculture, the series educates viewers and raises recognition of the want for an alternative.

Episode 3: Chicken Farming, Label Deception, and Sustainable Alternatives

Continuing the exploration of animal agriculture, the third episode focuses on chicken farming in the United States. The episode reveals the vertically integrated chicken farming system, where corporations exert control over every aspect except for the farmers' land and sheds. It also exposes the deception behind labels in grocery stores, highlighting how terms like "cage-free".


Furthermore, the episode delves into subjects like food deserts, veganism in the black community, urban farming in Detroit, and fish farming. The series takes viewers on a thought-provoking journey, uncovering hidden truths and shedding light on alternative approaches to food production.

Episode 4: Evolving Towards a Cruelty-Free Future

The final episode of the series emphasizes the need for a shift away from using animals for food. It explores various aspects of this transformation, such as plant-based meat, chicken farmers transitioning to mushroom farming, and the push to introduce vegan food into hospitals. The episode also reveals the long-awaited results of the study, showcasing the positive impact of plant-based diets on health.

The study shows that participants who embraced a vegan lifestyle lowered their LDL cholesterol by an average of 10 points. The participants also experienced reductions in TMAO (trimethylamine N-oxide) and visceral fat, indicating improved health markers. While the vegan group encountered challenges in terms of muscle gain, the overall benefits of their dietary choices were evident.


As the curtain falls, the film leaves us with not only answers but also a question: What do you choose to be? It is a call to action, "You're What You Eat" is a captivating netflix documentary that succeeds in instructing viewers about the benefits of plant-based diets and the harms of animal agriculture.

By sharing personal testimonies, analyzing scientific research, and unveiling surprising truths, the series sparks a movement towards positive changes. It challenges norms, sparks discussion, and imagines a future where choosing a plant-based diet is as common as not smoking in public places.

Whether you're already familiar with plant-based total diets or just beginning to discover this path, You're What You Eat" offers precious insights and surprises along the way. Let's continue spreading awareness and promoting a compassionate, sustainable, and healthful future for ourselves and the planet.

Remember, each decision we make in our day-to-day lives contributes to a more harmonious world. Let's make choices that align with our values and contribute to the well-being of all beings.

"The more people we can educate about animal agriculture, the better." - You're What You Eat.